The new Trekkie movie is set for a Winter 2008 release. Shooting starts in Nov and everyone is jumping up and down with joy.
Except for William Shatner. Can't say that I blame him. JJ Abrams, of LOST fame, has not offered Shatner, the Captain Kirk, any role yet! I mean really! Here's Abrams' feeble excuse.
And, y'know, William Shatner, with whom — I've met him a number of times, and he's, you know, the greatest — and we're desperately trying to figure out a way to put him in this movie. The truth is, it needs to be worthy of him, it needs to be worthy of you, it needs to be worthy of the movie. We can't just shove him in, it would be a disaster. You would hate it, he wouldn't like it, it would be bad. So we're on that. And we're looking for a Kirk. Because that's tough too, so um — Kirks?
Trekkies all over must be burning Abrams' effigies as we speak.
Shatner himself is upset about it - with due reason. He talks ruefully to Associated Press news agency:
"I thought, 'what a decision to make', since it obviously is a decision not to make use of the popularity I have to ensure the movie has good box office. It didn't seem to be a wise business decision.
What would Star Trek be without Shatner?
He's something that would explain Abrams' moment of blindness. In a flustered moment of excitement he states that :
I mean, this is obviously a series that I loved as a kid, and while I was always, sort of honestly, more of a Star Wars kid than a Star Trek kid.
That does explain a lot, doesn't it? Maybe someone should get him a copy of How William Shatner Changed the World.
Well, here is the list of people picked by Abrams ....
Captain Kirk - Chris Pine
Older Mr Spock - Leonard Nimoy
Young Mr Spock - Zachary Quinto
Scotty - Simon Pegg
Nero - Eric Bana
Uhura - Zoe Saldana
Chekov - Anton Yelchin
Sulu - John Cho
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy - Karl Urban
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