I came across this website on TV Squad. And the author was right; you start reading the theories on the site and you're a believer.
The site is called Time Loop Theory of Lost and it's brilliant. I don't know what's worse; reading it and finding out he was right about all the instances in Lost - meaning big time *Spoiler*. Or going through this fascinating theory and then, at the end of the Lost series, being horribly disappointed - roughly translated as "Actual Lost story wasn't as cool as this theory."
The author links all the bits of Lost and now everything makes sense . Or seems to .... unless all this is false.
He tells us where original members of Dharma Initiative island come from, well his own opinion of it anyway. I went arrrgh! at that point, it was very likely and it had slipped my mind.
There's an interesting note on who the Others are. More screams. Just can't stop reading.
Why is Ben so important and just who is Jacob? Ooooh! I see.
Of course, this could all be just a theory and nothing remotely close to the actual Lost storyline. Read it at your own risk.
Time Loop Theory of Lost
TV Squad
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