I know she's protecting her work but man! Think of the repercussions.
J.K.Rowling is involved in an important case where intellectual property is concerned; bit of a landmark case if you will. If she wins, there could be serious repercussions on supplement work. An entire genre might just shrivel up and die.
Ok from the top. As any Potter fan will tell you, Rowling has been in this awful tiff with Steve Vander Ark and RDR Books for trying to publish an unofficial Harry Potter encyclopedia.
In her words, "If RDR's position is accepted, it will undoubtedly have a significant, negative impact on the freedoms enjoyed by genuine fans on the internet,"
Funny, it seems like her victory would spell that very doom as well.
According to BBC:
If accepted, it said, her injunction "would dramatically extend the reach of copyright protection and eliminate an entire genre of literary supplements - third party reference guides to fiction". "By extension, it would threaten not just reference guides, but encyclopaedias, glossaries, indexes and other tools that provide useful information about copyrighted works.
Would this affect cliff notes? Helpful literature guides written by more qualified professors than Ms. Scottish Castle? Surely the more work derived from a piece of work, the better?
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