Gateworld has an interview with Charles Shaughnessy - to all SG fans, he was the truth should be known Alec Colson on SG-1.
Great interview; he talks about working on SG-1, the storyline, what he is upto now, mentions a funny series called "To Boldly Go" and also talks a little bit about Amanda Tapping.
But she's hysterically funny and she comes from a Canadian ... like a Groundling, a comedy improv group, she's hysterical. She couldn't have been sweeter and nicer to work with. A terrific actress.
And of course, they mention The Nanny! I am disappointed that the interviewer did not ask him about the Sheffield reference in the Colson episode (Covenant)! When I first saw the episode, that was one of the quirkiest moments on the ep; Colson coming onto the secret base and saying hello to a guy called Sheffield. This officially makes me an oldie.
Although, maybe they had mentioned it numerous times before and hence it was not brought up in this interview. Would have loved to know more about what went on behind-the-scenes though.
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