Stories decrying the possible censorship of the internet has been doing the rounds for a while. This particular article is one of them
According to this site, MySpace is an attempt by media moguls to herd the public onto a government controlled system where information can be monitored as well being the perfect tool for spying on the general public.
I don't know how much of this is paranoia and general assumptions but I am willing to consider all the options.
After all, he does make a good point about ARPANET; the world might be similar to the one described in this article if some well-meaning folksat CERN had not released the source code for WWW to the public a few years ago.
How To Fix Largest Contentful Paint Issues With Subpart Analysis
Struggling with slow Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)? Newly introduced by
Google, LCP subparts help you pinpoint where page load delays come from.
Now, in t...
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